Basket of the Month
There are baskets given each month as door prizes.  A total of $35.00 is spent.  Quilting items such as fat quarters and miscellaneous needs are purchased at random quilt shops and placed in the baskets.  The baskets themselves are usually donated or purchased at garage sales.  We try to take advantage of sales and most quilt shop owners will give a 10% to 50% discount when told what it is for. At the meeting, a ticket is given to each member and we draw a ticket for the basket. 

First of all, it is very important that the Newsletter Chairperson attends both Board meetings and General meetings.  Although the secretary takes notes, it is important that you collect information that will be of interest in the coming newsletters, ie. coming events, those who are in need of prayers, what upcoming programs will be available for Guild meetings etc. The newsletter is placed on a hard drive, ready to make changes, but not having to retype a new Newsletter each month.  Call other committee members or officers for additional information that may be needed for the Newsletter.  The president is contacted each month and asked for her/his letter or note to the members, obtain copy of general meeting minutes to add to the newsletter from our secretary.  Contact Sunshine Chairperson for anyone needing our prayers, contact the treasurer for any news she/he may have for the letter, and basically check with the ladies holding various committees to include as much information as possible each month.  Once the Newsletter is typed  try to have someone reread for typo errors etc, then the Newsletter is ready to go to print. Send off newsletter.

The publicity's duty consists of putting announcements in the newspapers (such as Hometown News, Senior Life and Florida Today when space is available, alerting readers of monthly meetings and up coming events.

Block of the Month
There are many variations of this project.  The purpose is to have finished quilts.  The standing idea is a different block is passed out with pattern and instructions at the regular business meeting.  For each block that is handed out we ask for members to make blocks for the guild so the guild to make completed quilts.

This chairpersons is responsible for having snacks and drinks at our regular business meeting.  She/He shall purchase necessary paper items and utensils as needed.  Members make.

The membership person greets all members and guest at the meeting.
a. Collect membership dues and turn into treasurer;
b. Create membership and mailing label list;
c. Sign up new members and make sure they receive a membership book
d. Provide a sign-in sheet for members and non-members to sign in.

Take pictures of show and tell at guild meeting;
a. Take pictures of any special trips or classes;
b. Take pictures on memory card and give to webmaster to insert into website;
c. Guild will reimburse you for all photography expenses.

Is responsible for sending cards and making phone calls to express the feeling of the guild in cases of things that happen to our members, such as birthdays, sickness, births and deaths.  It is each guild members responsibility to report any of this information to this chairperson for action.



President - Joyce Tesdall

First Vice President - Karen Lee

second vice president - Gay Van Vorst

Secretary - katie martin

Treasurer - janet romer


aging matters: doris andera

beta: cindy gooden

block of the month/ fat quarters: katie martin/ Pat

Christmas Luncheon: katie martin

comfort quilts/ web page: Jessica Gaudi
door prizes:
Janet H and Beverly T.

membership: nita eggers

highway patrol: cora postlethwait

hospice/ women's center: sherrianne larson

opportunity quilts: doris andera

show and tell: jo charvet

sunshine: dori grimshaw

BYlaws: Jan Brock

Newsletter: Katie Martin

Refreshments:  Rita Lundy & Laura Grimsley

Publicity: Karen Lee & Jan Brock

Space Coast Quilters Guild, Inc.